Anti-wrinkle treatments are a great non-surgical, non-invasive way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a youthful appearance. At Reverse Aesthetics, we use Botulinum Toxin to perform treatments, including medical procedures such as managing excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and treating headaches or migraines.

As we age, we all develop wrinkles due to the skin becoming less elastic and more fragile. As fat in the deeper layers of the skin reduces, loose, saggy skin can develop. Such ageing effects can cause individuals to lose self-confidence which is why we conduct a thorough assessment prior to all treatments.

Other factors like sun exposure, pollution, smoking and repeated facial expressions can also affect skin ageing and lead to deeper, or more wrinkles. Often we recommend patients have other treatments combined with anti-wrinkle treatments for best results. These can be discussed during your consultation.

Anti-wrinkle treatments work by blocking signals from the nerves to the muscles. This means that the injected muscles can no longer contract, resulting in wrinkles relaxing and softening. Individuals normally require treatments every 3-4 months for best results. Patients are also required to attend a free consultation prior to treatments so we can analyse your skin, ensuring you need treatment.

Areas Treated: Frown Lines, Crows Feet, Bunny Lines, Gummy Smile, Smokers Lines, Downturned Corners of the Mouth


Healthier skin appearance | Reduced fine lines and wrinkles | Minimal recovery time | Improved skin confidence | Semi-permanent


Anti-wrinkle injections are administered through a very fine needle just under the skin or into a muscle. Most patients find the discomfort minimal and short lived.

Normally patients can return to work within a day of treatment. 

In most cases, results can last up to around 3 months.

Prices of treatments are discussed during your consultation with Nurse Marie Yapp.

Dermal Fillers often work well with anti-wrinkle treatment and can provide enhanced results. We offer a number of packages that can be discussed during your consultation.

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